Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Come, Holy Spirit. . . Summer Youth Retreat 2013

      Sorry, that I have not written a post in a while.  I had Vacation Bible School (VBS) at my church and then I went to a youth conference.  At VBS, the theme was, "We Believe..."  We were blessed to have around 50 to 60 kids attend per night.  I taught the last lesson which was on the Holy Spirit.  Throughout VBS, I was so excited for the youth conference that was on Friday night.  On Friday night was also the closing ceremony for VBS, but I wanted to go to the youth conference and had already paid for it.
        So Friday, my sister (Julie Waldvogel), my brother (Kenneth Waldvogel), and I drove up the first time alone to Pilgrim Camp.  I had an amazing time and was really blessed by the lessons, but also the youth around me.  The theme during the meetings we had was, the Holy Spirit.  Some things that I learned was:
- the Holy Spirit is God living in us, a divine being that comforts us, guides us in practical ways
- the Holy Spirit does not just show through us once, but is always with us
- the Holy Spirit gives us the ability to live more like our savior Jesus Christ
- the Holy Spirit is given freely to those who ask for him
- first we have to clean ourselves of the old and then ask for the Holy Spirit
- the Holy Spirit is practical!
- our spiritual fruit ( Galatians 5:22 ) is proof that the Holy Spirit lives within us
        My favorite meeting was the Saturday night meeting when we had our prayer meeting.  The youth split into some smaller groups and prayed, which felt more like we called out to God.  I felt God so strongly in that meeting.  God was definitely there and was pleased with what each of us were praying.
        There were also games that we played and watched.  There were basketball and volleyball games that I watched and then there were some games on Sunday which I participated in.  There was a penny-chin game where you had to balance a penny on your chin and knock everyone else's penny off without knocking yours off.  Then there was a doughnut eating contest where you had to eat a doughnut hanging from a string without using your hands, which was fun to watch.  On Sunday a hike was organized which ended up being pretty exhausting and fun (some of us got wet ).  When we on the hike though there were some complaints but not when we made it through.  The weather turned out wonderful and got to have two campfire's!!  
          I thank God for meeting us this past weekend!!
 "If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him" ~ Luke 11:13  

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