Thursday, May 28, 2015

It's the end of May and I am still here...


Wow, finally I am writing again!!! So much has happened these past few months since February when I last wrote! For instance I graduated from Molloy College, with honors (Magna Cum Laude)!!  I am so thankful that God helped me through these past four years and it was such an amazing experience. I learned so much and thank everyone who encouraged and helped me! (I will have some pictures at the bottom of the page from graduation if you want to look!)

Also, I will be leaving for South Africa in ten came up even faster than I thought it would.  I remember saying that "I would love to go" and now it is finally going to happen!!  It's exciting to think about it and I can't wait. There will be people to meet, love and tell about Jesus! We (the group) will see things we've never seen before, experience new things and make great memories. Who knows what might happen, maybe God will call some of us to the mission field. This coming Sunday will be our send off to Africa from our church, since we leave on June 7th and our church will pray for us. I think all of us that are going would say that your prayer would also be appreciated! 

Recently in a bible reading I am reading, I have been going through the book of Acts. One of the stories I have been thinking of lately is the story of when Philip goes off to Samaria as a missionary there. That is the story I am also going to be taking with me to South Africa. Through this story I see how we have to love those who are needy of God's love and then through this love tell them about Christ. Philip is one of the seven Gentile men chosen to help the Greek widows in Acts 6 and later on after Saul starts persecuting the christians, he goes out to Samaria. We are going to encourage christians in South Africa, but also I hope to see a conversion. Pray for the group of us that are going to be strong in faith like Philip was.

Here are some pictures from graduation: (Mom and I; Me; Dad and I; Julie (my twin sister), Ecaterina (a friend), and I; Me; and Ken (my brother) and I.
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